
Broken faucets and happy hearts

3:00 PM May 20, 2010
In my cube

It was by sheer luck that I arrived in the office high and dry. While I was brushing my teeth this morning, I turned the faucet on and found out too late that it’s broken. Water spouted everywhere, not missing the skirt I was planning to wear to work. I yelled for dear life, my beloved Karla came to the rescue and turned the main water line off.

So I wore jeans and a big smile to work instead. And even if I came to work dripping, absolutely nothing could ruin my day. K has finally gone beyond the world of ‘been thinking of you’ and ‘I miss you’.

The ‘new crush’ blunder in Facebook was a blessing in disguise after all. A few days ago, I announced through a status update that I have a new crush. I deleted the update when I got home though, for fear that K will read it and react.

So there I was feeling smug when he sent an email saying that it’s good that “you have someone to take care of you and keep you company” and that he’s “not that lucky’. He ended the message saying that he’s thinking of me always, “no matter what”.

That should have spelled DISASTER, which is what I thought it would be. I replied saying that the crush turned out to be gay (which I swear to God is true) and that he’s still my ultimate crush. Somehow, I felt the need to assure him that he’s still my number one, my superman. His reply to the message caught me off-guard.

He started off by telling “the truth” that he has been denying himself of the feelings he’s been having about me and that he had been thinking about a lot of things including impractical and unrealistic ways that he could do for us to be together.

He said he decided that the best thing for us to do is go on with our lives and not worry too much about the future. He said, “I have been tested, and tempted by many, but I have no desire for anyone else. I wish you were here. I would really like to get to know you more”.

When I read this message last night, it was as if the world was suddenly very small. I felt as if he was just next door instead of half a world away. I’d have screamed in delight if not for my mother sleeping soundly. His words shook me to the core.

I’ve been in this happy state since Tuesday when I woke up just after dreaming of him. In that dream, I was in his arms again and it felt so real. I swear I felt my face buried in his chest, my body circled by his protective arms. Yes, the dream catcher no longer keeps him out.

And YES, just like him, I have no desire for anyone else.

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